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Cangzhou preserved vegetable
Time:2022-06-08 13:44:43
Cangzhou preserved vegetable is a kind of Chinese cabbage that has a unique favor, which tastes salty, spicy and a little sweet by putting Cangzhou-produced Chinese cabbage, salt and garlic in a pottery jar to ferment for a long time. The marinated Cangzhou preserved vegetable takes on a white and yellow color.
It is said that Cangzhou preserved vegetable had been popular among local people during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). During the period, dozens of workshops which undertook the production of Cangzhou preserved vegetable had already existed, with its products selling in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area, Jiangsu province and Hebei province.
Now, a typical local dish, cooked with Cangzhou preserved vegetable and winter bamboo shoots, is very popular among visitors.

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