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Administration Divisions
Time:2022-07-29 10:59:12

[Geographic Location] Shijiazhuang City is the provincial capital of Hebei, the political, economic, sci-tech, financial, cultural and information center of the whole province and one of the cities approved by the State Council for implementing coastal and financial opening up policies. The city lies in the south central Hebei Province and the circum-Bohai Sea economic zone, adjacent to Hengshui in the east, Xingtai in the south, Shanxi Province in the west and Baoding in the north; the city is located in the latitude 37°27′~38°47′ N (error ±1′) and the longitude 113°30′~115°20′ E (error ±1′) in the southwest of Beijing, 283 kilometers from Beijing main urban area. Shijiazhuang City has the territory of 148.02 kilometers from north to south at most and 175.38 kilometers from east to west. In 2017, some counties (cities and districts) under Shijiazhuang City have made a revision on their prefecture area and by statistics, Shijiazhuang City has a total area of 13,504 square kilometers (not including 960 square kilometers of Xinji, a city under direct administration of Hebei Province), in which 8 organic districts having an area of 2,220 square kilometers.

[Administrative Division Structure] Shijiazhuang City governs 8 districts and 13 counties (county-level cities), Chang’an District, Qiaoxi District, Xinhua District, Yuhua District, Jingxing Mining District, Gaocheng District, Luquan District, Luancheng District, Jingxing County, Zhengding County, Xingtang County, Lingshou County, Gaoyi County, Shenze County, Zanhuang County, Wuji County, Pingshan County, Yuanshi County, Zhaoxian County, Jinzhou City and Xinle City; and has 2 national-level development zones, Shijiazhuang National High-tech Industrial Development Zone (approved by the State Council in March 1991) and Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone (approved by Hebei Province in July 1992 and upgraded to national-level development zone by the State Council in October 2012, under the jurisdiction of Gaocheng District and used to be called Gaocheng Economic Development Zone). On June 1, 2013, Xinji City was put under the direct administration of Hebei Province when Shijiazhuang making administrative division adjustment. In addition, 3 dispatched agencies (National-level High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Hebei Shijiazhuang Recycling Chemical Industrial Park and Free Trade Zone) exercise the local administrative power. On September 9, 2014, the State Council gave an official reply to Hebei provincial government regarding the administrative division adjustment in Shijiazhuang City (G.H.(2014)No. 122) that agree canceling Qiaodong District, Gaocheng City, Luquan City and Luancheng County and setting up Gaocheng District, Luquan District and Luancheng District in Shijiazhuang City. At the year end, Shijiazhuang City has 121 urban towns, 84 rural towns, 56 sub-district offices, 642 neighborhood committees and 4010 administrative villages.

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Address NO.216 East ZhongShan Road,ShjJiaZhuang City HeBei Province

Postcode 050011 Ji ICP No. 06000020-1