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Hebei University of Economics and Business
Time:2022-06-08 13:48:33
Hebei University of Economics and Business (HUEB) was established in 1995 under approval by the State Education Commission and through combination of four former colleges. HUEB is a regular full-time institution of higher learning; one of the key universities in Hebei Province and it offers degree programs both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is situated Hebei University of Economics and Business is a multi-subject and in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, within easy access of Beijing.
Hebei University of Economics and Business is a multi-subject and Comprehensive university offering a wide range of courses in Economics, Administration, Laws, Literature, Engineering and Science, with emphasis on the study of Economics. HUEB is privileged to confer Master's and Bachelor's degrees on qualified students. At present the university has 13 master degree programs and 39 bachelor degree programs. The students of the university come from 16 Provinces, cities and self-governing municipality.
It has four campuses in different part of the city, covering a total area of 2.3 million square meters and the total floor space of it's building is 700 thousand square meters. The university has four libraries at different campuses with the collection of one million books and periodicals and spacious teaching buildings equipped with modern teaching facilities, such as multimedia classrooms multi-functional halls, computer classrooms with internet facilities, language labs, audio and visual classrooms and a range of scientific labs. The tranquility and beauty of the environment, the complete and advanced educational facilities make the university a perfect place for study and research.
The university has 20 faculties and schools. The student population is more than 18000. Besides the above daytime students, the College of Continuing Education of the university has more than 13000 part-time students. There are over 2100 teaching and administrative staff members, among whom there are over 500 professors or associate professors. In recent years, the university has successively undertaken 200 research projects supported by the National "863" Program, the National Social Science Fund, the National Natural Science Fund, the Social Science Fund of the Ministry of Education, the Provincial Special Fund for Doctors and the Provincial Social Science Fund. It has published over 1000 books and teaching material and has more than 4000 articles published in publications both home and abroad, it has 17 inventions accredited to its name and won 105 prizes above provincial or ministry level. For recent years, the university has undertaken a large number of research projects from the state, provinces, municipalities and enterprises and has obtained a number of great and important achievements.
We attach great importance to, and actively conduct, academic and cultural exchanges with overseas institutions. Such exchanges and collaborations are on the increase and cover more and more fields. We have so far established links with over 20 universities, academic institutions and cultural organizations in the U.S.A, UK, Russia, Korea, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, Singapore and Malaysia etc.

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Address NO.216 East ZhongShan Road,ShjJiaZhuang City HeBei Province

Postcode 050011 Ji ICP No. 06000020-1